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About Us

Philip R. Lund was born in New Zealand, went to school in England and took a degree in Economics at Harvard College. He went on to the Sloan Programme at the London Business School.

His commercial career began as a market analyst, first with Chemstrand (Monsanto Fibers) in New York and then with Viyella International in London. He soon discovered he could earn as much as an economist as a trainee salesman with Rank Xerox. He became the Rank Xerox top salesman in 1966/67.

From there he went out on his own, setting up and running sales forces for companies that wanted to grow rapidly through sales. His skills lie in the high closing speciality selling areas and running teams that optimise the sales part of marketing spend.

Philip’s frontline sales experience over 40 years covers a huge market area from office products, to engineered products such as truck washing machines, vehicle recovery systems & stainless steel drainage, to financial services and credit cards, to outsourced services and management consultancy.

Philip has written three books before Keynotes for Compelling Sellers as well as innumerable articles on his specialism.  His best known book to-date is Compelling Selling – The Framework for Persuasion, first published in 1974 and now in its 3rd 2007 edition. His other books include Confucius & Co – Thoughts of the Chairman and Sales Reports, Records and Systems. The first two books are available on Amazon, via CreateSpace, and through Kindle.

Philip believes that the financial success of many companies lies in their ability to run well directed, highly motivated professional sales teams. He also believes high quality professional sales people should be well nurtured for their ability to change lives.